Sunday, November 23, 2008

London Calling!

The first week of Nov. Megan and I went to London and had a freaking blast! I absolutely fell in love with the city and I am now trying to find a job there so I can move! It was a city unlike any I have ever traveled too! Fantastic!! Here are so photos from the trip!

The night we got there we had made reservations for the Absolut Ice Bar and it was amazing! We each paid about $30 and got unlimited drinks for 40 minutes... I know it doesn't seem like a long time but in a freezing room it absolutely was!

Our second day of the trip we decided to do a little sight seeing. We got on one of those big buses and rode it around the city. It was raining like crazy! Our first stop was the London Eye followed by the Tower of London, one of my favorite spots! Unfortunently the rain didn't like having its picture taken. So here are the ones we could get to turn out!

We slept in most of our third day and yes... it was sunny that day! We ended up doing a little shopping and then went to a pub!

Our last day we tried to get in as much sight seeing as freaking possible and it wore us out! It rained worse than it did the first day of sight seeing and by the end of the day our boots were soaked and we were ready for dry weather!

We also went to platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter and it was awesome! I sooo love that movie!
Anyways, so here is some photos from our trip! yippppeeeee! Enjoy!